Low cost eyeglasses are an essential part of world health development. VisionSpring’s ambition is to drastically reduce the numbers of people whose vision is impaired because they don’t have access to a simple pair of eyeglasses.
Low cost eyeglasses are an essential part of world health development. VisionSpring’s ambition is to drastically reduce the numbers of people whose vision is impaired because they don’t have access to a simple pair of eyeglasses.
Jocalyn Clark is Executive Editor and Scientific Writing Specialist at icddr,b in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto. She was previously a consultant at Grand Challenges Canada, a Senior Editor at the leading open access medical journal PLOS Medicine, and formerly Assistant Editor at BMJ (British Medical Journal). […]
Jocalyn Clark is Executive Editor and Scientific Writing Specialist at icddr,b in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto. She was previously a consultant at Grand Challenges Canada, a Senior Editor at the leading open access medical journal PLOS Medicine, and formerly Assistant Editor at BMJ (British Medical Journal). […]
The Phone Oximeter is making game-changing solutions available to those who need them the most, all while keeping the focus on the beneficiaries – in this case, mothers and unborn babies.
Dr. Shaun Morris is one of our innovators in the Stars in Global Health (Round 4) program with a project called ‘A toolkit to save newborn lives’, implemented in Pakistan. He started believing in the power of social media when the video he made to support his grant proposal led to a rewarding business partnership.
How do we balance fostering innovation — with its inherent risk of failure — with scaling impact? Part of the answer lies in our financial ecosystem.
The privilege I feel to be contributing to Grand Challenges Canada is not fleeting: it is felt as I write this blog, chat with the dynamo students with whom I share desk space, and sit with Melanie while she translates high-level strategic objectives into financial objectives.
Since monetary compensation in the not-for-profit world generally is less than for comparable roles in private sector, renewing your passion in what you do is key to staying motivated.
Once establishing the values and the boundaries of the sandbox which the organization operates in, it’s important to try new ideas . As long as these ideas align with organizational goals and don’t raise any red flags from the legal department, they can be the brand differentiators that set your team or organization apart.
The other part of deciding what to do is deciding what NOT to do. This is important for any organization to define in order to make tactical decisions. As not-for-profit organization we have to achieve impact with limited resources and therefore, this second half of the equation is especially critical.