By: Jocelyn Mackie, Co-CEO, and David Brook, Chief Strategy Officer, Grand Challenges Canada. A recent New York Times article, Moderna and U.S. at Odds Over Vaccine Patent Rights, highlights an all-too-common challenge in the world of public-private partnerships for health research and innovation—who has the legal right to deploy the novel products and services that […]
Bold Ideas with Big Impact®
Browse our Innovations and ResultsPosts Categorized: Our CEO’s Desk
Innovating with water to solve Bangladesh’s twin crises
This week, thousands of individuals and hundreds of organizations from around the world are gathering in Stockholm for World Water Week. The theme, Water for Development, reflects water’s prominence on the global development agenda.
Canada supports innovations that address violence against women in developing countries
Grand Challenges Canada, funded by the Government of Canada, supports 12 innovative projects that address violence against women in the developing world.
Grand Challenges: Success and surprise
Ignited by Bill Gates’ spark a decade ago, the Grand Challenges model has spread to become a global movement that continues to grow.
The Grand Challenges Approach can help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Dr. Peter A. Singer is Chief Executive Officer of Grand Challenges Canada. Dr. Steven Buchsbaum is Deputy Director, Discovery & Translational Sciences, Global Health Program of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. David Ferguson is Director, Center for Development Innovation, USAID. Did you ever have the feeling you know two friends who would be perfect together? […]
Scaling impact: The next great challenge in global health and development innovation
A defining feature of the grand challenges approach is that innovation is the highway and impact is the destination.
Placing maternal, newborn & child health at the heart of the post-2015 agenda
Maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) should be at the heart of the post-2015 agenda.
Canada supports bold ideas to tackle family violence in developing countries
March 8th is International Women’s Day. We celebrate the economic, political, and social achievements of women, but it is also a moment to raise awareness about the many struggles of women worldwide. Family violence (often a synonym for violence against women) is – unfortunately – still a prevalent universal phenomenon. Our CEO, Dr. Peter A. Singer walks you through Grand Challenges Canada’s portfolio on Family Violence.
Combining innovation and diplomacy to solve global health and development challenges
Science diplomacy recognizes that the most significant threats to the world today—food insecurity, climate change, disease, nuclear proliferation, and so on—transcend national borders, and that scientists have an important role to play in global cooperation towards discovering sustainable solutions. Science diplomacy involves the use of diplomacy to facilitate science cooperation, the use of science cooperation to improve relations between countries, and the use of science to inform policy.
Crowding in private investment for global health: Social Angels, Shared Value & Social Impact Investing
Grand Challenges Canada believes the challenges in global health are too large to solve using public funds alone. As such, we have also supported financial innovations to crowd in private investment.