Mental health needs in Colombia are pervasive and population-wide. Read the stories of Elvia & her daughter Arely – two heroes of the OSITA project.
Bold Ideas with Big Impact®
Browse our Innovations and ResultsPosts By: Grand Challenges Canada
#WMHD2015: I have a name
The Banyan, supported by Grand Challenges Canada, will continue to bring dignity to persons living in poverty and mental illness in India, enabling them to live meaningful lives as valued members of their families and communities.
Raising Awareness to Improve the Lives of People with Alzheimer’s Disease
For World Alzheimer’s Day 2015, read how OnTrackMedia Indonesia, with the support of Grand Challenges Canada, is kickstarting Alzheimer’s awareness in Indonesia.
TakaTaka Solutions: How innovation in recycling saves water and lives
TakaTaka Solutions, a social enterprise supported by Grand Challenges Canada, has developed an innovative model to tackle Nairobi’s waste management problem.
Innovating with water to solve Bangladesh’s twin crises
This week, thousands of individuals and hundreds of organizations from around the world are gathering in Stockholm for World Water Week. The theme, Water for Development, reflects water’s prominence on the global development agenda.
Canada is funding innovations to improve water quality in the developing world
As we mark World Water Week (August 23 to 28, 2015) to discuss the world’s water issues, we are faced with a few facts: technology has advanced to a point where there are more mobile devices than humans, yet 750 million people (roughly 1 in 9 people) lack access to safe water.
Canada is supporting innovations to improve water quality in the developing world
“An estimated 663 million people drink water from unimproved sources, and millions more drink contaminated water from improved sources.”
Canada is helping to make sure women in developing nations live to celebrate Mother’s Day
Every two minutes, a woman dies from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth. This means that by the time you reach the end of this blog post, four women have died giving birth. Additionally, for every woman who dies in childbirth, around 20 more suffer injury, infection or disease – approximately 10 million women each […]
Mother's Day story of Kristen (Canada) and Christian (Colombia)
To mark Mother’s Day (May 10th), CAN-MNCH (of which Grand Challenges Canada is a member) has hosted its annual ‘MOMmentum Mother’s Day Tea’ on Parliament Hill. A display of stories and images called ‘Through Her Eyes’ focused on the connection between Canadian mothers and mothers around the world who are impacted by Canadian contributions. To […]
Mother’s Day story of Kristen (Canada) and Christian (Colombia)
Dr. Nathalie Charpak (an innovator supported by Grand Challenges Canada) is comparing the effects of Kangaroo Mother Care versus Traditional Care for Low Birth Weight Infants at the age of 18 years. To mark Mother’s Day (May 10th), CAN-MNCH (of which Grand Challenges Canada is a member) has hosted its annual ‘MOMmentum Mother’s Day Tea’ […]